Communicate List[Float] in fit() function from Clients


I’ve some difficulties communicating a simple vector in the results Dict returning from the fit function. If you look at the pytorchexample code it’s already returning a dict with

  • “val_loss”: val_loss,
  • “val_accuracy”: val_acc,

I wanted to add

  • “delta_c”: [0,0,0,0],

But it makes all results fails!
I don’t know if its a Python error or a Flower error. I’ve been wondering if its a bug in the Flower framework.

Best regards.


Hi @mistersunshine, excellent question!

it’s not a bug. The type returned as the last argument in a client’s fit() or evaluate() (such as that in examples/quickstart-pytorch) has to be any of the types in flwr.common.Scalar. You can see the types in there do not support lists… however!! you can see bytes are supported. This means that you can send back to your ServerApp (where the strategy lives) pretty much any data structure you want carrying metrics from training or evaluation.

This is how you can test things quickly by making some modifications to the aforementioned example.

  1. Update how the evaluate() method works and make it return a NumPy array that’s serialized into bytes. For example, replacing the entire evaluate method with this:
    def evaluate(self, parameters, config):
        """Evaluate the model on the data this client has."""
        set_weights(, parameters)
        loss, accuracy = test(, self.valloader, self.device)

        delta_c = np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3], dtype=np.float32) # dummy delta_c
        delta_c_bytes = delta_c.tobytes() # serialize

        metrics = {"accuracy": accuracy, 'delta_c_bytes': delta_c_bytes}

        return loss, len(self.valloader.dataset), metrics
  1. Now, let’s say you want to use the delta_c arrays sent by each ClientApp back to the strategy. Then (following the example) you could de-serialize them to recover their standard NumPy representation. What I’ve done is add a few extra lines to the weighted_average callback in the example to illustrate this. It now should look like this:
def weighted_average(metrics: List[Tuple[int, Metrics]]) -> Metrics:
    # Multiply accuracy of each client by number of examples used
    accuracies = [num_examples * m["accuracy"] for num_examples, m in metrics]
    examples = [num_examples for num_examples, _ in metrics]

    for _, m in metrics:
        # Get metric of interest
        delta_c_bytes = m['delta_c_bytes']
        # Deserialize
        delta_c = np.frombuffer(delta_c_bytes, dtype=np.float32)
        # Print

    # Aggregate and return custom metric (weighted average)
    return {"accuracy": sum(accuracies) / sum(examples)}

If you run the example you’ll see that after each round of federated evaluation the deserialized delta_c sent back by each client gets printed:

INFO :      [ROUND 3]
INFO :      configure_fit: strategy sampled 10 clients (out of 10)
INFO :      aggregate_fit: received 10 results and 0 failures
INFO :      configure_evaluate: strategy sampled 5 clients (out of 10)
INFO :      aggregate_evaluate: received 5 results and 0 failures
[1.1 2.2 3.3]
[1.1 2.2 3.3]
[1.1 2.2 3.3]
[1.1 2.2 3.3]
[1.1 2.2 3.3]

I hope this helps!!!


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